Mary's Little Office

Sunday, February 12, 2017

As The Morning Rising


― 1889 ―

       "What shall I say and how shall I speak of that glorious and Blessed Virgin? God alone excepted, she is above every other being: more beautiful than the cherubim and seraphim, and all the angelic host, it is not enough to praise her with human lips or even with the voice of angels. O Blessed Virgin, pure dove, heavenly spouse! O Mary! heaven, temple and throne of the Divinity, thou possessest the sun which shines in heaven and upon earth―JESUS CHRIST. Luminous cloud, to enlighten the world, thou hast drawn down from heaven the brightest of the stars―JESUS CHRIST. Hail, full of grace, gate of heaven, whom the prophet of the Canticles in his inspired discourse, hath clearly pointed out, crying: Thou art a garden enclosed, my sister, my spouse, a garden enclosed, a fountain sealed up. The Virgin is the lily without spot, which has brought forth the unfading rose―JESUS CHRIST. O holy Mother of God, immaculate lamb, who hast given to the world the Word incarnate of thyself, the Lamb JESUS. O Virgin most holy, who dost cause wonder in the angelic hosts! A great sign appeareth in the heavens, a woman clothed with the sun, bearing the moon in her arms. Yes, a great wonder in heaven: the nuptial couch of the Virgin, bearing the Son of God. A great wonder in heaven: the Lord of angels has become the Child of a Virgin. The angels accused Eve, but now they glorify Mary, who hath raised up the fallen Eve, and opened heaven to Adam, chased out of Paradise. For MARY is the mediatress between heaven and earth, uniting these two extremes. The grace of the Blessed Virgin is immense. So Gabriel begins his salutation, saying: Hail, full of grace, resplendent heaven. Hail, full of grace, Virgin adorned with every virtue. Hail, full of grace, golden urn containing the celestial manna. Hail, full of grace, who dost satiate the thirsty with the sweetness of an inexhaustible fountain. Hail, fun of grace, golden urn containing the celestial manna. Hail, full of grace, who dost satiate the thirsty with the sweetness of an inexhaustible fountain. Hail, most holy Immaculate Mother, who has conceived Christ, existing before thee. Hail, royal purple, who hast clothed the King of heaven and earth. Hail unknown book, who has exposed and made known to the world, the Word, the Son of the Father."
St. Epiphanius, 
4th century

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