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Detroit Catholic Pre-Schools
Date: 1964
Photo by Robert W. Kelley
"Truly you are a hidden God." (Is. 15).
The truth of these words is shown forth in the adorable mystery of the Most Holy Sacrament more than in any other work of Divine Love. For here our God is hidden indeed. The Eternal Word hid His Divinity when He took flesh and became Man on this earth. But He hid His Humanity also when He dwelt with us in this Sacrament. St. Bernard tells us that He comes under the form of bread to show how tenderly He loves us: "The Divinity lies hidden. The Humanity lies hidden: we can see nothing but the expression of His deepest love."
My loving Redeemer, in the presence of your exceeding great love for men I am overwhelmed, and I do not know what to say to you. It has come to this, that you have hidden your Majesty, and you have veiled your Glory; your Divine Life itself seems to have been brought to nothing; and while you dwell on the altar you have no other object in view than to love men and to try to make known to them your exceeding great love for them.
Great Son of God, what kind of recognition do they offer you in return? O Jesus, O Great Lover, let me say it―your love for men is altogether excessive. For you seem to put their welfare even before your own glory; and you knew all the time the contempt to which your loving efforts would expose you. It is clear―and well you knew it beforehand―that the majority of men do not adore you. They do not recognise you in this Sacrament for what you are.
O I know too well that these very same men, whom you love, many times have even trampled on the Consecrated Host; they have cast it to the ground, thrown it into the water, and into the fire. But what is more extraordinary still is this―the manner of acting of the majority of those who believe in you: where we would expect them to make reparation by their loving reverence for such great insults; when they come into the Church they offend you still more by their want of reverence, or they leave you forsaken on the altar―sometimes even without the sanctuary lamp or the ornaments that should be there.
My most sweet Saviour, how I wish that I could wash with my tears and even with my blood those unhappy places where the burning love of your heart in this Sacrament has been so dishonoured. If this is not given to me, at the very least I now make up my mind to visit you frequently, O my God, so that I may adore you as I adore you today. In this way I shall pay you back at least something to make reparation for the contempt which you receive from men in this Most Divine Mystery.
Eternal Father, please accept from me this poor reverence offered to you today by me―the least of men. It is offered in reparation for the injuries done to your Son in this Sacrament. Please accept it in union with the infinite honour that Jesus pays you, nailed to the Cross―the honour that He still continues to pay you every day in this Sacrament. O Jesus, O Holy Sacrament! If only all men would burn with love for you in this the most holy of all the Sacraments!
Aspiration―O loving Jesus, make me know you, make me love you.
Jesus, I believe you are in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you; I want you to come to me. Come into my heart; I embrace you; O never depart from me.
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Courtesy of Life Magazine |
My most gentle Lady, in the midst of the fears I sometimes experience about my eternal salvation, I feel a great sense of confidence when I appeal to you and when I think of you. On the one hand, my Mother, you have a wealth of graces at your disposal―"A sea of graces" is what St. John Damascene calls you. St. Ephram tells me you are 'The spring from which grace and consolation flow'."
On the other hand, St. Bonaventure tells me that your eagerness to help me is so great that I cause you pain when I do not ask you for what I need. My Mother and my Queen, you are rich, you are wise, you are gentle; I understand that you know my soul's wants better than I know them myself; you love me better than I love myself. This is the grace I ask today―the grace you know my soul needs most. I will be happy if you ask this grace from God for me.
Aspiration―My God, give me the graces which Mary asks of you for me.
Prayer After Visit
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Courtesy of Life Magazine |
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