Mary's Little Office

Friday, February 16, 2018

The Balcony

It is the moment when Jesus comes forth from the rude mockery of the soldiers, clad in a royalrobe, and wearing the crown of thorns. 

The governor has bidden one of the soldiers lead the prisoner out on a balcony of the palace. An eager throng of people are waiting outside, but they are not all enemies. Among them are a few faithful women, and they are allowed to press close to the balcony. At the sight of her son, treated as a criminal with bound hands, Mother Mary, falls swooning over the balustrade, supported by a younger woman. 

Pilate standing in the doorway behind appeals to the crowd: I find no fault in him. Behold the man. He has been deeply impressed by his interview with Jesus, and is willing to do something in his behalf. His face is good-natured, we see, but with no strength of character in it. He is a handsome man with curling beard carefully trimmed, apparently not a hard man to deal with, but easy-going and selfish. 

He will succumb to the crowds cries to turn Jesus over to them to be Crucified. 

Continue Richard Rolle's 14th Century Masterpiece of the Passion of Christ combined with a

21st Century Lightning Storm.

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