Little Girl Lost
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So you see you have to do three things. You must believe in Godโthat is, you must believe that there is a God; and you must believe everything that God has said, whether you understand it or not, and whether you like it or not, for God has made known to us some things which are very unpleasant to think about; for instance, the eternity of hell. Then you must hope in Godโthat means you must trust in His word and promise to save you and to take you to heaven, on condition that you do what He wants you to do here in this life. It is not always easy to do all that God requires of us; for example, we have to keep His commandments and to keep out of sin, and this is sometimes very hard; but God's promise of heaven supports us and helps us to do it. Moreover, He does not leave us to do it all by ourselves. He helps us by His grace to do these hard and difficult things. This He has promised always to do; but we must ask Him for His help and grace, and this is why in the chapter on Hope the Catechism speaks to us about prayer and how we ought to pray. Lastly, we must love Him with our whole hearts, more than all persons or things on this earth; and we must always wish and seek to please Him. People who commit sins love themselves and their pleasures more than God. This is why our Lord has told us to keep His commandments as a proof that we really love Him. The lesson on Charity, or love of God (future lesson) teaches us about the Commandments.
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6. What must you do to save your soul?
To save my soul I must worship God by faith, hope and charity; that is I must believe in Him, I must hope in Him and I must love Him with my whole heart.
So you see you have to do three things. You must believe in Godโthat is, you must believe that there is a God; and you must believe everything that God has said, whether you understand it or not, and whether you like it or not, for God has made known to us some things which are very unpleasant to think about; for instance, the eternity of hell. Then you must hope in Godโthat means you must trust in His word and promise to save you and to take you to heaven, on condition that you do what He wants you to do here in this life. It is not always easy to do all that God requires of us; for example, we have to keep His commandments and to keep out of sin, and this is sometimes very hard; but God's promise of heaven supports us and helps us to do it. Moreover, He does not leave us to do it all by ourselves. He helps us by His grace to do these hard and difficult things. This He has promised always to do; but we must ask Him for His help and grace, and this is why in the chapter on Hope the Catechism speaks to us about prayer and how we ought to pray. Lastly, we must love Him with our whole hearts, more than all persons or things on this earth; and we must always wish and seek to please Him. People who commit sins love themselves and their pleasures more than God. This is why our Lord has told us to keep His commandments as a proof that we really love Him. The lesson on Charity, or love of God (future lesson) teaches us about the Commandments.
Little Girl Lost
Here in this genuine ghost sotry, Robin Mercy Rossiter, played by Eileen Bural, is truly a lost soul. The six year-old was a member of the doomed Donner party, a wagon train trapped by blizzards in a mountain pass in 1846. Charlie Wooster helps the little lost soul with his simple explanation our being.
Dying is a natural thing you know. Don't worry about it. It's like sleeping or growing. What's to be afraid of? Who's afraid of getting bigger or going to sleep. Sometimes I think being born is a kind of dying. You know, you die there and live here. When you're through here you go back there. I don't know whether these things are true or not. I'm an old man. Some people say I'm a little cracked in the head. But, Robin, I know one thing. There's a God in Heaven and He's not going to give his children a bad deal. He can't. He's our Father so He's got to love us. Dying is a natural thing you know. Don't worry about it. It's like sleeping or growing. What's to be afraid of? Who's afraid of getting bigger or going to sleep. Sometimes I think being born is a kind of dying. You know, you die there and live here. When you're through here you go back there. I don't know whether these things are true or not. I'm an old man. Some people say I'm a little cracked in the head. But, Robin, I know one thing. There's a God in Heaven and He's not going to give his children a bad deal. He can't. He's our Father so He's got to love us.
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