Mary's Little Office

Thursday, December 28, 2017

December 28th - The Feast of the Holy Innocents

"The feast of the beloved Disciple is followed by that of the Holy Innocents. The Crib of Jesus, where we have already met and venerated the Prince of Martyrs and the Eagle of Patmos, has today standing round it a lovely choir of little Chridren, clad in snowwhite robes, and holding green branches in their hands. The Divine Babe smiles upon them: he is their King; and these Innocents are smiling upon the Church of God. Courage and Fidelity first led us to the Crib; Innocence now comes, and bids us tarry there. 

Spiritual Bouquet: They have lived upon our earth, and yet it defiled them not! Truly these tender Lambs deserve to be forever with the Lamb of God! May this same earth of ours, grown old in wickedness, draw down the divine mercy on itself, by the love and honor it gives each year to these sweet Children of Bethlehem, who, like the Dove of Noah's Ark, could not find whereon to rest their feet.  

The Liturgical Year
 By Dom Prosper Guéranger O.S.B.

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