Mary's Little Office

Monday, May 28, 2018

Month of Mary - 28th Day

The Story:

No human tongue is able to describe perfectly the virtues of St. Aloysius Gonzaga. He was born of noble parents and brought up by a very devout Mother. She, being a zealous servant of Mary, kept her son Aloysius in the same service. And how did he comply with the wish of his mother? Beginning in his childhood he practiced a special devotion to Mary. He recited the Rosary with zeal; also the Little Office. But especially did he endeavor to follow Mary's example in virtues; and so well did he succeed that he committed but two trifling faults in his life. His purity was so great that he was justly called the Angel in human flesh. He entered the Society of Jesus. There he became a model for all. When pestilence had broken out in Italy, he waited upon the sick, and he himself became infected. To his provincial who visited him, he said: "Father, I go hence." He asked: "Whither?" And Aloysius replied with joy: "Into my true home, into heaven." Thus he died.

The Prayer:

O holy Mother of my heavenly King, direct thou my thoughts to heaven. Obtain for me from thy royal Son the grace, that I tear my heart and should from everything terrestrial, and cleave to things eternal, that thus I may become worthy to enter the everlasting glories of heaven. Amen.

Pray Your Rosary 

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