The reason we have not yet become saints is because we have not understood what it means to love. We think we do, but we do not. To love means to annihilate oneself for the Beloved. The self-sacrifice (P.68) of a mother for her child is only a shadow of the love wherewith we should love the Beloved of our soul. To love is to conform ourselves to the Beloved in the most intimate manner of which we are capable; to have no views but His views; no desires but His desires; no thoughts but His thoughts; no likes but His likes; no wants but His wants; no hopes but His hopes; no will but His Will. It is to have no joy but in suffering for Him; no life but in dying for Him; no death but in living for Him; it is to have no consolation but in ministering to Him; no desolation but in grieving Him; no reward but, as the least of the least, in serving Him. Yes, we who have answered the call of the Divine Outcast must sell all and follow Him. We have no right to hold back anything which would debar Him from being established as the one and rightful owner of our whole being, body and soul. We have no right, we who are called to perfection, to be satisfied with imperfection. We have no right either in our own name, or in that of others, because we may not say to God on the Last Day, "Am I my brother's keeper?" We have assumed the responsibility in the acceptance of the garb we wear―and how gladly and impatiently we awaited it! Every single soul that God ever created or will create is His own precious jewel, (P.69) His treasure. Then what of those whom He has selected from among the millions of His favorites. His Spouses? (To be Continued)
Love this!!! I'm getting this book!!!