Mary's Little Office

Thursday, December 31, 2020

I Believe and a Peek at the Past - Dec 31

  I firmly believe that God exists and I will strive after Him as the highest and most perfect good and my last end.  

O My Lord Jesus, I will use time well.  It will be too late to pray when life is over. There is no prayer in the grave - there is no meriting in Purgatory. Low as I am in Thy all Holy sight, I am strong in Thee, strong through Thy Immaculate Mother, through Thy Saints; and thus I can do much for the Church for the world, for all I love. O let not the blood of souls be on my head. O let me not walk my own way without thinking of Thee. Let me bring everything before Thee, asking Thy leave for everything I do. . . As the dial speaks of the sun, so will I be ruled by thee alone, if Thou will take me and rule me. Be it so, my Lord Jesus, I give myself wholly to Thee. Amen.

Prayers of an Irish Mother



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