Mary's Little Office

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Let Us Sing Together

Prose for The Time of Advent

(Composed in the eleventh century, and taken from the ancient Roman-French missals)

Let us sing together to our God, who created all things; 

By whom all ages were made;

The firmament, which shines with much light, and the countless stars;

The sun, the ornament of the world; the moon, which is the night's beauty; and all shining things;

The sea, the land, the hills, the plains, and the deep rivers; 

The wide space of the air, through which float birds, and winds, and rain;

All these obey thee alone, O God, as their Maker and King.

Now and evermore, for endless ages:

Their praise is thy glory;

Who for our salvation didst send thine only-begotten Son, 

In whom could be no sin, to suffer on earth for our sins.

We beseech thee, O holy Trinity, to govern and protect our souls and bodies, and grant us forgiveness of our sins.


O dear Mother of Jesus, who didst bring peace to angels and to men by giving birth to Christ.

Pray for us to this thy Son, that he be merciful to us, and forgive us our sins, and give us his assistance, whereby, after this exile, we may possess the blessed joys of eternal life. Amen 

by Dom Prosper  Granger O.S.B.
London, 1867


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