Mary's Little Office

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Holy Mass Readings

Today's Holy Mass Readings


TODAY'S  HOMILY by Bishop Barron

Friends, in today's Gospel Jesus tells us to speak directly to a person who has offended us. I know it is exceptionally difficult, but going to the person directly is both productive and spiritually up-lifting. It has at least a fighting chance of accomplishing something, and it confirms you in love.
Suppose the person blows you off, even lashes out at you. You are then encouraged to bring "one or two others" into the conversation. Perhaps the person will see the point and get over his defensiveness.
Now suppose he doesn't listen even to this group? Then tell your church. Today, we might say the pastor and his team or perhaps some of the leading families in the parish. Suppose he doesn't listen even to the church? Then the Lord recommends ongoing compassion and prayer: "treat him as you would a Gentile or a tax collector." But remember how Jesus relates in love to Gentiles and tax collectors. Finally, the wonderful word on prayer: "wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them." Pray together with one or two others for the conversion of a sinner. 

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