Mary's Little Office

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Month of Mary - 10th Day

The Story:

St. Elizabeth was wedded in her twelfth year to Dionys, king of Portugal. In this state she did not neglect to practice the devotion, to which she had been accustomed from childhood. Never did she omit to implore the ever-blessed Virgin Mary, to ask her protection and to beseech her assistance, especially for the hour of death. After the death of her husband she entered the convent, which she had built, fully intent to practice penance. She waited upon her companions herself; she loved especially the poor, for whom she did much good. Poverty was her cherished virtue: and therefore she despised all worldly splendor and sought to please only her heavenly Father. And in order to continue in His grace she did not cease to revere Mary, the Queen of heaven, with most tender devotion. Her feasts she celebrated with special delight. On the vigils of these feasts she fasted,-taking but water and bread, and devoted herself to prayer. She had the firm belief that by venerating Mary she would die a blessed death, which also occurred in the year 1336.

The Prayer:

O my dear Mother Mary, obtain thou for me the grace of becoming and remaining a good child of my heavenly Father. Accept me, O good Mother, and lead me to His throne. Cause me also to renounce all self-glory and to seek only the glory of God and the blessing of His name. Assist me to think frequently of the good Father in heaven and to live upon the earth that hereafter I may be received in the heavenly home. Amen.

Pray Your Rosary 

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