Mary's Little Office

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Month of Mary - 9th Day

The Story:

St. Ignatius was born at Loyola, in Spain, in the year 1491. He served his king as a courtier and soldier till his thirtieth year. At that age, being laid low by a wound, he received the call of divine grace to leave the world and follow Jesus Christ. He gave himself up entire, unreserved, and resigned to the love and glory of God. He gathered around himself companions, who, together, made a vow to work for the glory of God in the salvation of souls, and placed themselves under the strict obedience to the vicar of Christ - the Pope. Their motto was and is to this day: "Ad majorem Dei gloriam - To the greater glory of God." In this work - the zeal for God's glory, St. Ignatius lived and died.

The Prayer:
To thee, O blessed Virgin Mary, we have recourse. Offer our praise and thanksgiving to the triune God, for all He has deigned to confer upon us; and by thy intercession obtain for us the grace, that our souls magnify God, and our spirits rejoice in our Saviour, now and forever. Amen.

Pray Your Rosary 

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