The Story:
As a child St. Stanislaus Kostka, was noted for his great love to Mary. When speaking of her whom he so tenderly loved, he would move his hearers to love Mary. He never performed any work without having first asked Mary's blessing and assistance. When reciting the Office, the rosary or other prayers, he spoke with such earnestness and expression, as if he were addressing Mary, face to face. When hearing the Salve Regina sung, his soul was so touched that his countenance reflected his interior feelings. Visiting one day, in company with a Reverend Father of the Society of Jesus, an image of the blessed Virgin, he was asked by the father how much he loved Mary? "My father," he replied, "what more can I say: she is my Mother!" And with such gentle voice and flaming ardor did Stanislaus speak these words, that he appeared more like an angel announcing his love of Mary. This great love was returned by Mary. As he desired and often prayed, Mary took him to herself on the feast of her Assumption, 1568.
No, my good Mother, I will not mistrust thee. I will call upon thee every day; and my prayer shall not be mere words of the lips. I will have recourse to thee with childlike confidence in all my necessities. Hear my prayers in behalf of my soul and the souls of my fellow-men. Do not despise my supplication, for thou art my Mother. Do thou intercede for me at the throne of my judge, for thou art His Mother. Lead thou me with maternal care over the thorny paths of this earthly life into the glory of heaven. Amen.
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