Mary's Little Office

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Month of Mary - 5th Day

The Story:

There are certainly few saints who paid greater homage to Mary, the heavenly Queen, and loved her more tenderly than did St. Therese. As a child already Therese honored and loved the blessed Virgin as much as was in the power of a human heart. When in her twelfth year of age she had been deprived by death of her pious mother, she sorely afflicted prostrated herself before an image of Mary, and begged most suppliantly and amid tears that Mary would deign to be her Mother. When she got possession of a picture of the Mother of God, it was pleasant to hear, in what sweet and love-breathing words she addressed Mary. She loved the rosary exceedingly, recited it gladly and meditated upon its mysteries. To please the ever blessed Virgin she entered a convent and did a very great amount of good. As Therese chose Mary to be her Mother, so she remained her faithful child until death.


It shall ever be to me, O mystical rose! a delightful occupation, if I can venerate thee by the holy rosary. As a reward I only ask this in return: Obtain for me by thy mighty intercession at the throne of the most gracious God, this grace, that I may always endeavor more firmly to imitate what I consider and revere in thy rosary, and to become more worthy of thee as thy honor and thy crown. Amen.

Pray Your Rosary 
Every Day

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