"The Paraclete, the Holy Ghost, will teach
you all things." (John 14/26.)
"The soul that listens to His Voice will make rapid progress in perfection"
The action of the Holy Spirit on souls is necessary for their sanctification, for Our Lord Himself tells us: "Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God."
If the Holy Spirit has full sway in our tabernacle, His Presence cannot but be a help to souls. We must never fail to remember that souls differ from one another, and they are to be treated, therefore, individually. Some souls receive more light than others; some have keener appreciation of truth; others have distorted ideas as to right and wrong; some have no conception of the refinements of life; many are in a network of temptation and difficulty unknown to us; many are weighted with trials, are despondent, and some despair. We cannot, therefore impose our point of view, but rather work along the lines of those we hope to help. Dealing with souls―and who does not deal with souls either directly or indirectly?―requires profound humility with an understanding patience drawn from the Heart of Christ. After all, we are but agents of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is never in haste, but always considerate of the limitations of each individual soul, and is delicately tender where tenderness is needed. Holiness, Love―these words express the work of perfecting us in the image of God. For the Holy Spirit should be especially emphasized where it is a question of sanctification; and certainly nothing is more to the point than to name the Spirit of Love where a work of love is in question.
We, who are so placed as to be of help to souls, should engrave upon our minds this truth―unless we draw our light and strength from close union with the Spirit of Love, we risk making disastrous mistakes.
In Love With The Divine Outcast
Pellegrini & Company
Sydney, Australia, 1934
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