Mary's Little Office

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Month of Mary - 15th Day

The Story:

St. Rose of Lima was, like her mother, naturally very timid. Having on one occasion remained very late at prayer in a little chapel, which she herself had erected in honor of Mary, the ever-blessed Virgin, her anxious mother sought her, but only in company of her husband. On the way home Rose thought to herself: 'How is this? My mother, so timid, does not fear to seek me, when accompanied by my father. And yet his protection is feeble. Should I then fear, since my God is everywhere with me?' Though she never feared anything when at prayer, she was very timid at all other times, until that evening when reflecting, as stated before. Since then all fear left her. For this, too, was she grateful to God, who had infused this hope of His protection into her heart. Nor did she fail to venerate Mary, who is called "our hope." The little chapel had become her second home; there she adored with all the warmth of her heart her Saviour; there she venerated Mary with all possible zeal. She died in the year 1617.

The Prayer:

O sacred heart of Mary, full of hope; obtain for my poor heart firm, immovable confidence, that in all dangers of body and soul I cast myself into the arms of my God; that I walk tranquilly and trustingly like a child at the hand of my heavenly Father, through all adversities of life, and that in my prayers I may never doubt; but full of hope leave all to His Divine pleasure. Amen.

Pray Your Rosary 

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